Frustrated with taking care of her house bound mother, Rubira Wilkford has been seeing more of her new boyfriend Dezza but has found herself doing the strangest things, seeing troubling visions around her. Her mother Indra demands that she stay in the cottage to help her, to remain safe but from what…?
Since the death of Rubira’s father, Indra has tried to put things right inside the cottage. She has feared for a long time something would awaken and now old friends have noticed something familiar in Rubira and want to get back what they had with her father, what they were promised…
Indra is lost in her fevered and desperate paranoid worship and prayer but while Rubira is respectful, she fears for her mother’s sanity, but she cannot deny there are some forces using her and Indra may not be as weak as she appears. While trying to finish her university degree, the things she starts to see and feel make Rubira wonder if she should get down on her knees and join her mother in praying to the gods before it is too late…
Something unexplainable is moving around the cottage, looking to enter…Rubira hears the click-clack, click-clack in the halls, sees the warped shadows and familiar eyes in the garden watching her, waiting for her to bring Dezza back for more…
A modern folk horror tale revenge, desire and deceit.
Available from July 2022 as paperback & ebook from amazon and bookshops everywhere to order.